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Discover NIX

Nix is a company with a mission that develops advanced technologies for the monitoring and conservation of animals. The loss of biodiversity that we are experiencing has disastrous consequences for the functioning of natural ecosystems.
Our technical teams of engineers in electronics, software development and data management listen to the needs of our users to offer products at the cutting edge of innovation and improve animal monitoring to better protect them.
Nix is a tech company committed to supporting the ecological transition. Recognizing the environmental impacts of digital technology, we are implementing an eco-design approach for our solutions and promoting the prolonged use of our GPS trackers over several years, which are recycled at the end of their life.
As an employer, we want to welcome young talent in a caring corporate culture based on respect for living things. We are based in Paris and Avignon but we offer teams that are able to work remotely. Friday afternoon is free because we encourage our employees to get involved in projects that are important to them.
Nix Air Solutions - Tracking animal suivi biodiversité

our partners

La French Tech innnovation start up
Banque publique d'investissement innovation amorçage
Logo de l'entreprise FIVE FRAMES STUDIO expert dans création de contenue numérique tels que les sites web, la création de vidéo et clip, la réalisation de 3D et d'animations 3D, de motions design, logo et de composition musicalesPépinière start up Grand Avignon
Développement logiciel start up

Our team

Maxime Grillon


Amélie Campino

Co-fondatrice / CEO

Omar Abdul Aziz

Système embarqué

Etienne Bréant

Marketing / Sales