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Nix Software

- Abonnement Discovery Nix App un collier de tracking.
- Abonnement Starter Nix App trois colliers de tracking.
- Abonnement Premum pro Nix App dix colliers de tracking.

Nix app is an animal information management platform directly connected to our range of Nix Tag tracking collars. Nix App is accessible from any computer or smartphone.

The platform offers numerous integration opportunities to better manage your territory and give you the information you need to make decisions thanks to its capabilities to analyze animal movement, behavior and health.

Available in desktop and mobile versions on Sign in - Nix (nix-app.com)
Locate your animals remotely anywhere in the world
Identify risk areas and manage spaces
Optimize your travel time and observation missions
Keep your data in memory to contribute to research


Discover our 3 NIX APP subscription packages according to your necklace fleet and the data processing services you need.

https://nix-app.com/ - logiciel de suivi animal en temps réel 
Starter pack

1200 €/year
https://nix-app.com/ - logiciel de suivi animal en temps réel 
Premium Pro

https://nix-app.com/ - logiciel de suivi animal en temps réel 
Request a demo
Easily download the Nix App platform by accessing this address via your web browser and entering your username and password to start using the software: Sign in - Nix (nix-app.com)

The Nix App platform is a software for monitoring and studying your species and the habitats they occupy. It allows you to view your animals remotely on the map of your site from your computer or mobile, regardless of its operating system (iOS/Android/PC). We offer subscription packages adapted to the number of sensors you use and according to your needs for storing and processing biodiversity data.

The Nix software is compatible with our hardware but can also be adapted to a large number of fixed and mobile sensors: tracking collars, camera traps, sound sensors, weather stations, weather stations, weather stations, videos and drone images. You can also create species sheets and individual cards for your animals, like a health book.

Your data is stored securely and you can find them in personalized dashboards to manage your site, promote your actions as part of conservation programs and feed scientific research on wildlife and natural ecosystems. You remain the owner of your data and can export it according to the methods you choose